Tual Sawn Khai


Tual Sawn Khai

Myanmar Australia Visiting Fellow
The Australian National University

Tual Sawn Khai is a Research Associate at the School of Graduate Studies, Lingnan University in Hong Kong, where he earned his PhD in Sociology and Social Policy. His research interests lie in social epidemiology, migration, and the intersections of health, human rights, aging, mental health, disabilities, climate change, and conflict. Khai has published his work in esteemed international peer-reviewed journals, such as the Journal of Migration and Health, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Archives of Public Health, Disability and Society, Journal of Burmese Studies, Frontiers in Public Health, Vaccine: X, and Global Public Health. Additionally, he has offered research consultancy services to various organizations and has over five years of experience in social development, humanitarian relief, and human rights services in both the civil society and government sectors in Myanmar.

Research Interest

My research expertise primarily lies in social epidemiology and global health research, with a particular emphasis on the intersection of climate change and health disparities among marginalized populations, such as migrants, refugees, internally displaced persons, older people, people with disabilities, and ethnic minorities.

Expertise Area(s)

Forced Migration
global health
Social Policy

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